Estimating the cost of mulching is quick and easy using our MulchCalculator! Simply measure the length and width of your mulch beds and enter those numbers into the form here.
No tape measure handy? The easiest way to measure a bed’s size is to step off the distances and convert your steps to feet. One normal step is about 2 to 3 feet for the average adult. Some landscape areas are square in shape, but most have curves and contour that makes it somewhat difficult to get the correct square footage.
Sample Calculation
If you wanted to cover the areas in our sample landscape with bark mulch 2 inches in depth, the formula would be:
Mulch Bed 1: (60 feet x 10 feet) = 600 Square Feet
Mulch Bed 2: (30 feet x 12 feet) = 360 Square Feet
600 + 360 = 960 Square Feet
Then you simply divide the Total Square Footage of 960 by the thickness factor for your desired depth (162 = Thickness factor for 2 inches of mulch).
960 / 162 = 6 Cubic Yards of mulch needed
So, from this example you can see that 6 cubic yards is needed. That’s it! You now understand how to calculate the amount of material you may need for your next landscape project.
9 - 3 cubic-foot bags of mulch is equal to one yard.
STEP #1 - Calculate Your Square Footage Below
STEP #2 - Estimate Amendment Requirements Below